
% implement W-F process analogous to Y. Friedmann
% simulate finite niche model (W-F process)
tic; % TIC, pair 1
%%%%%%%% get filename %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
p = mfilename('fullpath');
[pathstr, name, ext] = fileparts(p);
rpath = [pathstr '/Results/'];
% run description
time_end = 1e5; % number of simulated generations
R = 1e6; % carrying capacity of ALL niches
r = 10*1e-5; % per cell rate of gene transfer
m_set = 0.02; % per cell rate of migration
s_v = [0.025 0.030 0.034 0.038 0.04 0.045 0.05 0.1]; % vector of selection pressures
n = 1; % number of ecological niches in patch
z = 1; % affinity to own niche
nol = 1 - z; % 1 - the niche overlap
n_firstC = 1000; % initial number of resistant cells
Dm = 1; % diversity density of the incoming migrants

% early initialise BIG matrixes and vectors
R_groups = R; % use less space
TOG = zeros(R_groups,2 + n); % BIG matrix
lo_Mpops = false(R_groups,1); % BIG logical vector
lo_Cpops = false(R_groups,1); % BIG logical vector
lo_existing_cells = false(R_groups,1); % BIG logical vector
F1 = zeros(R_groups,1); % BIG vector
F2 = zeros(R_groups,1); % BIG vector
% even create enough memory for linear index vectors
li_Mpops = zeros(R_groups,1); % BIG vector (changing size)
li_Cpops = zeros(R_groups,1); % BIG vector (changing size)
li_selected_M_pops = zeros(R_groups,1);
li_free_positions = zeros(R_groups,1); % BIG vector (changing size)
first_free_positions = zeros(R_groups,1);
% Situation
num_of_sim_repeats = 50; % number of simulation repeats
for rep = 1 : num_of_sim_repeats % through repeats of the simulation
    for m_c = 1 : 2 % through the 2 cases of migration
        switch m_c
            case 1
                m = 0;
            case 2
                m = m_set;
        for s_c = 1 : numel(s_v)
            s = s_v(s_c);
            rng('shuffle') % initiate random number generator
            % initiate TOG (Table of Genotypes)
            % use non-sparse matrix
            new_bg = 2;% start at genotype 2 because 1 is the resistant one
            next_niche = 1; % first niche to start with
            count2Dminv = 0;
            % generate possible niche associations
            obtain_recource_mat = ones(n,n)*((nol)/(n-1));
            obtain_recource_mat(eye(size(obtain_recource_mat))~=0) = (1-nol);
            if n == 1 % if only a single niche
                obtain_recource_mat = 1;
            % seed TOG
            % 5/s initially resistant guys, according to Kaplan1989
            for through_TOG = 1 : (R - n_firstC) % through TOG
                TOG(through_TOG,:) = [1, 0, obtain_recource_mat(next_niche,:)];
                count2Dminv = count2Dminv + 1;
                if count2Dminv == 1/Dm
                    new_bg = new_bg + 1;
                    count2Dminv = 0;
                next_niche = next_niche + 1;
                if next_niche > n
                    next_niche = 1;
            end % through TOG
            % finally add resistant guy
            pos_first_Cpop = (R - n_firstC + 1);
            niche_first_Cpop = 1;
            TOG(pos_first_Cpop,:) = [0, n_firstC, obtain_recource_mat(niche_first_Cpop,:)];

            % useful things
            n_of_saves = 2; % how often do you want to save within simulated time
            scope = time_end/n_of_saves; % scope to save TOS
            counter_plus = scope*1;

            % reset stuff
            n_HGT = 0;
            t = 0; counter = 0; counterp = 0;
            sum_niche_com = zeros(1,n);

            % saving stuff
            TOG_save = zeros(R_groups,2+n); % BIG 2D matrix to save at end
            t_vec = zeros(1,n_of_saves);

            % get M (non-adapted) populations and C (adapted) populations,
            % and numbers
            % (important spead up: create logicals first (into pre-existing vector), then create linear
            % indeces since this is faster when eccessing matix entries)
            lo_Mpops = (TOG(:,1) ~= 0); % BIG vect (not changing sizes)
            li_Mpops = find(lo_Mpops); % BIG vect (changing size)
            lo_Cpops = (TOG(:,2) ~= 0); % BIG vect (not changing sizes)
            li_Cpops = find(lo_Cpops); % BIG vect (changing size)
            M = sum(TOG(li_Mpops,1));
            C = sum(TOG(li_Cpops,2));
            li_selected_M_pops = [];
            first_free_positions = [];
            mig_n = R*m*3;
            %new_guy_M = [ones(mig_n,1),zeros(mig_n,1),ones(mig_n,1)]; %
            %only for n = 1
            n_mig = 0;

            % MAIN LOOP
            loopStart = tic; % TIC, pair loopStart (time prediction)
            keepLooping = true;
            while keepLooping % THROUGH TIME
                % what you want to save
                                    if counter == 0 || (counter >= counter_old + counter_plus)
                                        counterp = counterp + 1;
                                        t_vec(counterp) = t; % save the time
                                        TOG_save(:,:,counterp) = TOG; % save TOG
                                        counter_old = counter;
                % update time and counter
                t = t + 1; % move through steps of generations
                counter = counter + 1; % count generations
                % get summed (total) competetive weights in each of the n niches
                % for each niche sum over existing pops:(popssize*popsfitness*popsniche_association)
                sum_niche_com = sum(bsxfun(@times,TOG([li_Mpops; first_free_positions],1),TOG([li_Mpops; first_free_positions],3:end)),1) +...
                    sum(bsxfun(@times,(TOG([li_Cpops; li_selected_M_pops],2)*(1+s)),TOG([li_Cpops; li_selected_M_pops],3:end)),1);
                % how much resources are obtained (per cell in every
                % existing genotype) = growth rate (per cell in every existing genotype)
                Rovern = R/n;
                F1([li_Mpops; first_free_positions]) = Rovern*sum(bsxfun(@ldivide,sum_niche_com,TOG([li_Mpops; first_free_positions],3:end)),2);
                F2([li_Cpops; li_selected_M_pops]) = Rovern*sum(bsxfun(@ldivide,sum_niche_com,TOG([li_Cpops; li_selected_M_pops],3:end)*(1+s)),2);
                % get mean new numbers+poiss in one step
                % account for loss through m!!
                TOG([li_Mpops; first_free_positions],1) = ...
                    poissrnd(F1([li_Mpops; first_free_positions]).*(1 - m).*TOG([li_Mpops; first_free_positions],1)); % only use poiss where neccess

                TOG([li_Cpops; li_selected_M_pops;pos_first_Cpop],2) = ...
                    [poissrnd(F2([li_Cpops; li_selected_M_pops]).*(1 - m).*TOG([li_Cpops; li_selected_M_pops],2));...
                    round(F2(pos_first_Cpop).*(1-m).*TOG(pos_first_Cpop,2))]; % only use poiss where neccess
                % is it unlikely for many genotypes, but it might N > R by
                % chance

                % get existing M and C populations
                lo_Mpops = (TOG(:,1) ~= 0); % BIG vect (not changing sizes)
                li_Mpops = find(lo_Mpops); % BIG vect (changing size)
                lo_Cpops = (TOG(:,2) ~= 0); % BIG vect (not changing sizes)
                li_Cpops = find(lo_Cpops); % BIG vect (changing size)
                M = sum(TOG(li_Mpops,1)); C = sum(TOG(li_Cpops,2)); % = sum(TOG(li_Cpops,2)); % get cell numbers M and C

                % several HGT event per generation expected (without new migrators)
                % HGT happens the same now as in exact simulation, weighted by cell groups in M,
                % where genotypes with more cells have higher change to HG
                num_o_HGT = poissrnd(M*C/(M+C)*r); % how many HGT events?
                if num_o_HGT > 0
                    num_Mpops = numel(li_Mpops);
                    if num_o_HGT > num_Mpops
                        num_o_HGT = num_Mpops;
                        disp('Corrected HGT event number'); % only happens for small R < 1e4
                    if numel(li_Mpops) == 1 % if only single M population
                        li_selected_M_pops = ones(num_o_HGT,1)*li_Mpops;
                    else li_selected_M_pops = randsample(li_Mpops,num_o_HGT,true,TOG(li_Mpops,1));
                    TOG(li_selected_M_pops,1) = TOG(li_selected_M_pops,1) - 1; % remove a cell from r_M's populations
                    M = M - num_o_HGT;
                    TOG(li_selected_M_pops,2) = TOG(li_selected_M_pops,2) + 1; % add a cell to r_M's C populations
                    C = C + num_o_HGT;
                    n_HGT = n_HGT + num_o_HGT;
                else li_selected_M_pops = [];
                % migration (I know how many cells are missing due to migration)
                % find free spaces (before HGT, are also free after HGT!)
                lo_existing_cells = (lo_Mpops|lo_Cpops); % BIG vector (not changing size)
                li_free_positions = find(lo_existing_cells == 0); % BIG vector (lin indeces, changing size)
                %                 % LOOK into: number of used space
                %                 used_spaces = sum(lo_existing_cells);
                %                 disp([num2str(disp_num_of_cells) ': ' num2str(used_spaces) ' spaces used'])
                %                 % LOOK
                n_mig = R - M - C;
                if n_mig > 0
                    niche_vec = [next_niche:(n_mig + next_niche -1)]  - floor(([next_niche:(n_mig+next_niche-1)]-1)/n)*n;
                    next_niche = niche_vec(end) + 1;
                    new_guys = [ones(n_mig,1),zeros(n_mig,1),obtain_recource_mat(niche_vec',:)];
                    first_free_positions = li_free_positions(1:n_mig);
                    TOG(first_free_positions,:) = new_guys;
                    % update numbers
                    M = M + n_mig;
                else first_free_positions = [];
                % 6 Decide if time is over or go back and sample new time-step
                if t >= time_end
                    keepLooping = false;
                % Time prediction unit
                if counter == 500
                    looptimeXtimes = toc(loopStart);
                    time_in_sec = looptimeXtimes/500 * (time_end - 500); % expected time in seconds
                    time_in_hms = secs2hms(time_in_sec); % expected time in hours,minutes,secs
                    display1 = [datestr(now) ' (' num2str(rep) ') ' ' S = ' num2str(s) '; Time left: ' time_in_hms]; % print expected time
            end % THROUGH TIME


            savename = [rpath name '_rep[' num2str(rep) ']_S[' num2str(s)...
                ']_m[' num2str(m) ']_r[' num2str(r) ']_t[' num2str(time_end) ']_result.mat'];
        end % through selection
    end % through migration
end % through reps

From here can be run without simulation if previously run %%%%%%


%%%%%%%%%% Evaluate Results %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
mys_set = s_v; rep_set = 1 : num_of_sim_repeats;
% reset all outputs
% you need the same amount of reps for all;
for to_m = 2 % through m
    if to_m == 1
        m = 0;
    elseif to_m == 2
        m = 0.02;
    for to_c = 1 : numel(mys_set) % through selection
        s = mys_set(to_c);
        for to_repeat = 1 : numel(rep_set) % through repeats
            rep = rep_set(to_repeat);
            % load
            load_name = [rpath name '_rep[' num2str(rep) ']_S[' num2str(s)...
                ']_m[' num2str(m) ']_r[' num2str(r) ']_t[' num2str(time_end) ']_result.mat'];
            % reset
            zxc = zeros(1,counterp); C_save = zxc; M_save = zxc;
            HGP_diversity2 = zxc;
            for i = 1 : counterp % go to end of TOS
                % M and C fractions
                num_M = sum(TOG_save(:,1,i));
                num_C = sum(TOG_save(:,2,i));
                M_save(i) = num_M/(num_M + num_C);
                C_save(i) = num_C/(num_M + num_C);

                % True Diversity q = 2
                % get M (non-adapted) populations and C (adapted) populations
                lo_Mpops = (TOG_save(:,1,i) ~= 0); % BIG vect (not changing sizes)
                li_Mpops = find(lo_Mpops); % BIG vect (changing size)
                lo_Cpops = (TOG_save(:,2,i) ~= 0); % BIG vect (not changing sizes)
                li_Cpops = find(lo_Cpops); % BIG vect (changing size)

                all_BGs = TOG_save(:,1,i) + TOG_save(:,2,i);
                BG_simps = sum((all_BGs(lo_Mpops|lo_Cpops)/(num_M+num_C)).^2);
                FL_simps = sum(([TOG_save(li_Mpops,1,i);num_C]/(num_M+num_C)).^2);
                HGP_diversity2(i) = FL_simps/BG_simps;

                % Check how we are doing with space in TOG
                num_used_slots = sum(all_BGs == 1);
                my_disptext = [num2str(num_used_slots) ' out of ' num2str(R_groups) ' used'];
            end % from TOS-save
            %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% OUTPUT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Real HGT flow

            realHGTflow(to_c,to_repeat,to_m) = n_HGT;

Final DR

            finalDR(to_c,to_repeat,to_m) = HGP_diversity2(counterp);
            disp(['For R = ' num2str(R) ', s = ' num2str(s) ' u get DR = ' num2str(finalDR(to_c,to_repeat,1)) '!']);

Plot one simulation

            if 1 == 0
                magicfigure_single_line(HGP_diversity2,'DR over time');
                %savefig([name '02'],gcf,'EPS');
        end % through repeats
    end % through selection
end % through m
% Plotting
realHGTflow_mean = mean(realHGTflow,2);
realHGTflow_sd = std(realHGTflow,0,2);
finalDR_mean = mean(finalDR,2);
finalDR_sd = std(finalDR,0,2);

Create figure

close all
XMatrix1 = mys_set;
YMatrix1 = finalDR_mean(:,:,1)';
YMatrix2 = finalDR_mean(:,:,2)';
EMatrix1 = finalDR_sd(:,:,1)';
EMatrix2 = finalDR_sd(:,:,2)';
myylabel = 'final DR';
axisfixed = 0;
% Defaults values
width = 3;     % Width in inches
height = 3;    % Height in inches
alw = 2;    % AxesLineWidth
fsz = 20;      % Fontsize
lw = 2.5;      % LineWidth
msz = 8;       % MarkerSize
lbs = 28;       % Label Fontsize
% Create figure
pos = get(gcf, 'Position');
set(gcf, 'Position', [pos(1) pos(2) width*115, height*115]); %<- Set size
set(gca, 'FontSize', fsz, 'LineWidth', alw, 'FontName','Calibri'); %<- Set properties
% Create plot
% create pretty filled bit
hold on
fill( [XMatrix1 fliplr(XMatrix1)],  [(YMatrix1 - EMatrix1) fliplr(YMatrix1 + EMatrix1)],...
    [0    0.6392    0.2039],'EdgeColor','w','FaceAlpha', 0.3);
% This is the seethroughness of the pretty filled bit (1 = not see through)
plot1 = plot(XMatrix1, YMatrix1, 'LineWidth', lw); % Plots main line
set(plot1(1),'DisplayName','Simulation without migration',...
    'Color',[0    124    175]/255);
fill( [XMatrix1 fliplr(XMatrix1)],  [(YMatrix2 - EMatrix2) fliplr(YMatrix2 + EMatrix2)],...
    [1.0000    0.1608    0.1373],'EdgeColor','w','FaceAlpha', 0.3);
% This is the seethroughness of the pretty filled bit (1 = not see through)
plot2 = plot(XMatrix1, YMatrix2, 'LineWidth', lw); % Plots main line
set(plot2(1),'DisplayName','Simulation with migration',...
    'Color',[1.0000    0.1608    0.1373]);
set(gca,'Layer','top') % put axis in front again

% Create xlabel

% Create ylabel

xlim([0.023 0.102]);
if axisfixed == 1
    % x and ylim
    xlim([0 0.10]);
    % Set Tick Marks
    %set(gca,'YTick',[0 1 2 3 4]*1e-3);
    firstYlim = ylim;
    ylim([-40 1400])
if axisfixed == 2
    % x and ylim
    xlim([0 0.10]);
    % Set Tick Marks
    %set(gca,'YTick',[0 1 2 3 4]*1e-3);
    firstYlim = ylim;
    ylim([-1.4 firstYlim(2)])

if 0 == 1
    % Create legend
    legend1 = legend([plot1,plot2],'Simulation without migration','Simulation with migration');
    set(legend1,'EdgeColor',[1 1 1],'Location','Best','box','off','YColor',[1 1 1],...
        'XColor',[1 1 1],...
        'Color',[1 1 1]);

% Here we preserve the size of the image when we save it.
set(gcf,'PaperUnits', 'inches');
papersize = get(gcf, 'PaperSize');
left = (papersize(1)- width)/2;
bottom = (papersize(2)- height)/2;
myfiguresize = [left, bottom, width, height];
set(gcf,'PaperPosition', myfiguresize);

% make this so that saved graph looks the same as like on the screen
set(gcf, 'PaperPositionMode', 'auto');

savename = [name '02.eps'];

%%%%%%%%%%%% show elapsed time %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
time_whole = toc; % TOC, pair 1
time_whole_hms = secs2hms(time_whole);
display2 = ['Elapsed time is ' time_whole_hms]; % print expected time